Posts Tagged ‘Kenny’
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Ammo Gonna Run Out
I saw a James Bond movie once and I was astounded at how lousy the henchmen’s aim was. Bond wasn’t even trying to avoid the bullets as he skid down the mountain. I can only assume that the henchmen in the Rambo movies are the same, considering the parody of that in UHF where the last henchman was mere inches from Weird Al’s chest and still missing.
Some Gore For Your Halloween Pleasure, And Other Interruptions
If you haven’t heard, the comic is moving to a Monday-Wednesday-Friday schedule. No, I don’t have extra time and no, I’m not feeling generous, I simply have to get this storyline finished by Thanksgiving(in the U.S.) and there’s no way that’s happening with a twice-a-week schedule. Main reason would be that I don’t update on Thanksgiving(few people post or read comics that day), and this storyline can’t get interrupted by that. I also can’t have it drift into December. I was worried that it would have to be 5-a-week, but thankfully it played out to 11 more comics(including this one) when I scripted it out yesterday.
…which leads me to that number you see at the top of the comic. This storyline was plotted out back in April, and probably started when Kenny graduated(a start of a new storyline in anybody’s life). 10 comics remain in this storyline now. The next comic will have a 9. When the number reaches zero on November 23rd, something big will happen. In fact, a few big things will happen. Surprises will occur between now and then and characters’ lives will be changed. That is all I will say about the next 10 comics.
He Should Have Learned His Lesson By Now
This increased schedule, with actual action in the comics and a new set, is about as painful as being Kenny in this comic. However, like I said, it has to be done before I take Thanksgiving off from the comic.
My Old Nemesis…
I cannot guarantee that Kenny is okay. He’s had plenty of tramatic experiences involving dodgeballs.
Unconscious Fox
Oh hey, looks like Kenny got a job at that island after all!
Conscious Fox
Wow, the countdown at the top has reached 2. Stay tuned Monday, then WEDNESDAY for the moment I’ve been leading up to for over a year.
Let’s Check In On Kenny’s Recovery
Comic information:
Posted: November 21st, 2011
Comments: Comments Off on Let’s Check In On Kenny’s Recovery Keywords: Guy King, hospital, Kenny
You are cordially invited to Kenny and Death’s wedding this Wednesday at… whatever time I get that thing finished and uploaded. Sometime in the morning.
I promise a few surprises, by the way, as well as an announcement.
The Ultimate Wedding Vows!
Comic information:
Posted: November 23rd, 2011
Comments: 8 Comments Keywords: Death Golden, Fuego Hare, Guy King, Kenny, Kiss The Cat, May, mom, outside, Pat, Rufus, Toku Geku
That’s right, that’s the end of Kenny Chronicles. But don’t worry, because Kenny & friends will be back on January 2nd in the new comic, “Ferrets Vs Lemmings”, which is set 3 years after this comic. I’m still working on the website, but you can see the placeholder at FerretsVsLemmings.com. I’ll be working on that & the revamp of Ook Island throughout December & some of this month. If you’re already subscribed to the Kenny Chronicles RSS feed, your subscription will update automatically to the new comic & you won’t have to add a new subscription.
As the comic says at the bottom, I’ll be posting bonus features for the rest of the year, including behind the scenes info & previews of Ferrets Vs Lemmings. I’ll definitely be posting on Mondays, although I don’t know how much more often than that. I’ll try to post on Thursdays as well, but I haven’t planned out how many blog posts I’ll have yet.
So why is Kenny Chronicles ending, and why no warning? Well technically, I’m just changing the focus for a month and then resuming Monday & Thursday comic updates in January at a new url. Since I’m not actually stopping my cartooning, I figure it’s safe to make this a complete surprise. Also, I always lower the update schedule from Thanksgiving(U.S. holiday) to the end of the year anyway because it’s just a busy time of year for me. I’d take Thanksgiving off anyway because people don’t read webcomics as much on Thanksgiving, so that’s always a good day to start the no-Thursdays schedule.
I also don’t want to build up too huge of an archive for readers to dive into. There are cartoonists who have over 10 years of updates and a more frequent update schedule, and those archives are scary to a new reader. I’ll give you plenty of warning on when Ferrets Vs. Lemmings will end: 4 years. Most likely. Just like Kenny Chronicles. I see Kenny Chronicles as a 3-act play(each year its own act) with some crust at the beginning where I was still figuring out what the comic was. Turns out, I still have no quick “elevator pitch” for Kenny Chronicles. That’s why I created Ferrets Vs Lemmings. I have a clear idea of what this comic is about, and it’s best to separate it into a different comic.
In addition, I’m enlarging the comic, merging the Spanish version into the English site, and adding languages. Enlarging the comic is okay mid-archive, but it is a bit jarring. The merging of the English & Spanish version, however, would be extremely jarring mid-archive. Especially with how I’m doing it. I’m going to stop the time-consuming process of changing the image, and I’m switching to text-based subtitles which readers can submit. I’m very much behind on fixing translation errors(sorry, Salmy, I still have those 34 messages from years ago), and it would be easier if reader-submitted corrections could be automatically added(I’ll of course moderate submissions). This opens up the possibility of reader-submitted translations in other languages(and me-submitted occasionally, since I’ve thought of jokes in other languages before). One issue I’ve seen with other comics with fan-submitted translations is that it’s basically one person hosting them on a different site, and they burn out after a while, leaving an unfinished archive. This will allow unlimited people to collaborate on the translations in one official location. If one person burns out(less likely, since no image editing is needed), somebody else can easily pick up where they left off. I don’t have even a beta version of that set up, but I have some options I’ll try and I know how I want to do it, so I feel safe in promising that. I don’t feel safe promising a Klingon translation, though, but I’ll try to make that an option as well.
Stay tuned Monday for a “deleted scene”(more like deleted plot) that will surely make lots of people happy that I never went with it. I’m very excited about Ferrets Vs Lemmings and I hope you will be, too.
Oh, and sorry about the Rickroll >:)
And if you’re unfamiliar with what a Rickroll is, it’s when you trick somebody into watching this video: