Posts Tagged ‘Kenny’
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Employee Discount
Comic information:
Posted: September 5th, 2011
Comments: Comments Off on Employee Discount Keywords: Jilly, Kenny, work
Not looking good for Kenny.
That first panel is based on the frequent order of “a 3-piece dinner” at my workplace. We have 3 dinners that can be called a “3-piece dinner” and we ALWAYS have to ask which one. Sometimes they’ll just repeat “a 3-piece dinner”.
About That Island…
Comic information:
Posted: September 15th, 2011
Comments: Comments Off on About That Island… Keywords: Death, Kenny, Ook Island
Kenny accidentally got 1,000 Boat Rent credits in this comic from long ago.
I really wasn’t sure if I’d have a comic today since I will have just traveled for 5 hours yesterday(I’m writing this before the trip), but I wound up doing this one at the same time as the previous one, and had it mostly finished Monday morning. Then I finished it Wednesday morning, as well as a wallpaper traced from the last panel(available on the Extras page). That wallpaper took longer than I intended. Another reason I was tempted to take a break is because I still don’t have Ook Island finished. I have the basic layout set, but I only have 3 buildings roughly shaped, and the rest is a rough idea in my mind. It’s set to appear next Thursday, so I’m going to be busy.
I’m On A BOAT!
I just came back from MY childhood home of Marceline, MO, and I plan on having a blog entry about that tomorrow, because I got to talk to Jeff Keane(Family Circus) and Glenn McCoy(The Duplex) while up there for Toonfest. I go to that every year.
Boat model by Adam Morley, available on Turbosquid at this page for free. I actually planned on using a different kind of boat, but this model actually looked good. Materials modified by me and rendered in Blender.
(Spanish version will be up sometime later, maybe this afternoon, maybe at night.)
And To The Right, You’ll See Ook Island…
That set took me 16 hours to build. In one night. I torture myself sometimes. (OH HEY BTW, THE MODEL CHANGED DRASTICALLY AFTER THIS, I’M VERY LATE IN UPDATING THIS COMIC)
Ook Island has gone through quite a few variations since I first decided to go there several months ago. In fact, the version before this one was scrapped just 24 hours ago, which pushed my schedule wayyyyy too close. Basically, none of the previous designs would work. At all.
I tried to get everything in its final state(not including fine details) with this comic so there won’t be any inconsistencies in upcoming comics(I almost forgot a key location!), but I’m quite sure some things will change anyway. It’s a good thing all the lights were going to be out anyway, otherwise I might have less wiggle room with edits.
Edit: I made more changes than the wiggle room allowed.
September 26th, 2011

I’m scrapping this comic. Instead, I’m taking some more time to build Ook Island. Also, I came up with a better comic. This one is just too depressing.
The “Ghost” part of that title isn’t referring to Kenny and Death, I just spent way too long on the town and I had to ask myself, “Is it worth it to finish this right now?”. No, no it’s not. I figure I have 2-3 hours worth of work remaining and it’s 7am.
I’d spend less time on the town, but they’re going to be spending a lot of time there. I had to find out how far apart docks should be, living nowhere near water. I still don’t know what some of these visible buildings are. There’s already a business district, but I guess the windows in the first panel belong to more businesses. Maybe offices, maybe a bait shop, maybe boat supplies, maybe a Furby store. A lot of the time spent was on houses that aren’t in this comic. I was going to change the entire house arrangement, but found a suitable minor edit.
Looks Like I Got A Comic Up Anyway
I really didn’t think I would get a comic up today because I’m still not finished building the island(the “grand reveal” comic before this will be updated later), but with the right camera angles, I can find certain areas unlikely to change later. Although one nice advantage of using Blender instead of Second Life is that I can leave my cameras laying around right where I left them and get the exact same shot if I need to re-render it. Thankfully, this comic happens in a place that’s hopefully finished. The next comic, however, requires nearly all of the exterior to be finished. On the other hand, I think there’s one angle that can hide the currently-unfinished areas…
Yes, Ook Island has changed a little since the last time we saw it, but it’s 100% because I wasn’t finished with the design. I’ll be updating the first shot of it soon. Hopefully this is the last of the noticeable changes. I doubt it, though. Still, nothing as major as a freakin’ huge green hill or two. Hopefully.