Posts Tagged ‘Kenny’
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Get Some Culture, Kenny
This is the first time that I’ve put the characters DIRECTLY into the 3D set. I’m liking the results, although there are still some things to iron out.
The song they’re listening to is a future remix of “Ass Up” by Baracuda.
Update: I’ve made an animated version of the comic with the music!
What Is Love?
That’s right, this plot is going somewhere and Kenny is NOT going to be enjoy Thursday’s comic. Remember: they’ve been dating for over a year now.
And I haven’t tasted sweet potato cupcakes, but according to the comments on this recipe, it’s pretty good.
Baby Don’t Hurt Me
I considered in past comics saying that this is where things get real and the next big storyline starts, but if anything, THIS is where things get real. THIS is where the plot really gets going. Hold on tight.
Family Night
She was going to say 18 years ago, since he’s 18, but if you add 9 months of pregnancy and 4 months that he’s been 18, that count would be a full year and a month off.
Is This The Real World? Am I In It Yet?
I skipped Monday’s update because I got no sleep the night before & I simply couldn’t stay awake to finish scripting this comic. This time, I got 4.5 hours of sleep the night before & was tired again, but I had the advantage of a head start from Sunday & a head start Wednesday. Normally I start completely at midnight on the update day. So, a little earlier than usual. Yay!
The bright side of skipping Monday’s update, besides actually getting enough sleep and not missing work?: I don’t have to push forward the construction of my most ambitious 3D set like I was fearing. Not a huge difference, but I got more planning in. Still need to build the dang thing though.
This comic may be late for the same reason as last Monday(sleep deprivation), but this time I actually woke up in the morning! WHOA!!! That doesn’t happen enough. If I could choose a sleep schedule and actually follow it, I’d choose to wake up at 6am, go for an hour-long walk, then get to cartooning. Alas, I’m always starting my cartooning at midnight. I’ll keep trying to change my sleep schedule.
Also, this comic was plotted out way back in April, so no, it wasn’t inspired by my sleep issues. It’s inspired by my trying to use Pandora Radio to help me sleep. Seriously, they should choose appropriate ads for the stations.