Posts Tagged ‘Kenny’

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Into The Night
Into The Night
 Comic information:
     Posted: June 13th, 2011
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So, no can has roomies?

Radio Cheer Up
Radio Cheer Up
 Comic information:
     Posted: June 16th, 2011
     Comments: 2 Comments
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Not Creepy
Not Creepy
 Comic information:
     Posted: June 20th, 2011
     Comments: 2 Comments
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Ah, brotherly love.

How To Make Any Image Better
How To Make Any Image Better
 Comic information:
     Posted: June 23rd, 2011
     Comments: 7 Comments
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I saw an article once(update: HERE it is! Thanks, Salamander.) that said that the way to fix a bad drawing was to put a cute puppy in front of it. Or maybe a dog. Either way, I mixed a few ideas together for this one, including that bizarre trope you see in crime scene investigation shows where they’re doing impossible zooms with the camera and the boss always yells, “ENHANCE!”. If there were an “ENHANCE!” feature in the editing software, it would be automatic after the zoom. You don’t have to scream in the guy’s ear, sir.

BTW, I’ve made the “Enhancement Dog” downloadable in its full resolution if anybody wants to use it. I’m not even adding a copyright notice because that would make it look tacky. Then again, maybe if you zoom in16x, enhance, scan over to a reflection on its tongue, enhance, enhance again, zoom in on a reflection across the room from the dog, then type in “©2011 Garrett Williams”, you’ll find that copyright.

Enhancement Dog

When In Doubt…
When In Doubt…
 Comic information:
     Posted: June 27th, 2011
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Do as the fox and other lemming do.

UPDATE: If  there are huge sound effects(larger than they needed to be) in the last 3 panels, hit F5 for a better comic.

Your Choice
Your Choice
 Comic information:
     Posted: June 30th, 2011
     Comments: 6 Comments
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Red, White And Bruised
Red, White And Bruised
 Comic information:
     Posted: July 4th, 2011
     Comments: 1 Comment
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As the footer states, I’ve changed my Twitter username to @ferretwilliams because I’m neither a Will nor a Yums. Didn’t want to replace my mention of the Kenny Chronicles store, but it’s important enough to show it at least once. If you were following me before, you don’t need to re-follow, because Twitter allows simple renaming and is awesome for it.

That’s A Dangerous Pizza Cutter
That’s A Dangerous Pizza Cutter
 Comic information:
     Posted: July 7th, 2011
     Comments: 3 Comments
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When going against Death, skill trumps sharpness.

Hang on
Hang on
 Comic information:
     Posted: July 11th, 2011
     Comments: 5 Comments
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Death Is Calling
Death Is Calling
 Comic information:
     Posted: July 14th, 2011
     Comments: 4 Comments
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Remember Kenny asking what the “Slave-master” setting is? This is a part of that setting.

Other Features Of That Bell
Other Features Of That Bell
 Comic information:
     Posted: July 18th, 2011
     Comments: 1 Comment
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With all the anti-gravity functions of other devices in the comic, it shouldn’t be too surprising that a bell will have it as well.

Bench model from Blogscopia.