Posts Tagged ‘Kenny’
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Fuego’s Food Review
Fuego has been LIED to all his life! Or maybe they just didn’t know, but we’ll go with “lied”, just for fun.
New Addiction
He has a lot of catching up to do.
Also, if you missed the blog post, the “__ years in the future…” headings are now officially relative to 2011 instead of “whenever you’re reading it”. Time to lock the years in place.
New Addiction – take 2
The day after the previous comic, I realized that THIS approach was funnier to me, so I’m calling a redo on it and recounting the event from a different vantage point.
Stay tuned tomorrow(April 1st) for an announcement.
Can Haz
Wow, it’s been over a year since we last saw Patrick!
Change The Subject
Kenny does eat fruits and vegetables occasionally. Guy IS nearly completely carnivorous, but ferrets are completely carnivorous, anyway.
Mmmm… Chicken Leg
You’ve broken the ferret’s brain, Fuego!
When I was a kid, we had 4 food groups. Currently, there are 6, with one of them being “oils”(???), so I can definitely see us dividing it up even further as we become even more aware of what our food is made up of. I figure saturated and unsaturated fats could be added at some point, as well as red and white meat. Of course the “My Pyramid”(formerly the simple “Food Pyramid”) will get increasingly complex once you figure in different species.
Although the reason it was 4 when I was a kid is because the previous amount of 7 was deemed too complex, but it’s hard to say what we’ll think of it in 118 years.
Fun With Sleep-Deprived Ferrets
Go get some sleep, Guy.
(In case the term “Bouillon cube” isn’t used in the U.K. or Australia, the translation would be “stock cube”)