Posts Tagged ‘Kenny’
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Flying Fox 3
Sure, but can those stabilizers stabilize THIS?! Guess not!
Public service announcement: Never sneak up on Death.
I Don’t Think He Can Read Your Mind
As I watched the first Superman movie(with Christopher Reeve), I kept asking myself over and over, “How is it even possible for Superman to hold Lois like that while flying?”. I’m very sure that Lois doesn’t get flying powers while she’s touching Superman. At one point, he’s only holding on to her hand while both her hands are outstretched. To see the scene I’m referring to, click here to see it on YouTube. I wish this video allowed embedding.
Back To You, Wiley
The day I wrote this idea down(last Thursday), the news anchor told us that after the commercials, they were going to show us how one news station passed the time while they were snowed-in at the studio… as they showed video of that news crew skating across their parking lot. I’d say this is where I got the idea, except for the fact that I’ve seen them do things like this frequently.
The Frog And The Firecracker
I wasn’t sure if I could get this comic up with how sick I am, but I seem to be feeling a little better. I still may have to call in sick to work, though.
I was going to call work yesterday evening for 24 hours notice, but I was so delirious that I couldn’t find my bed, which I was on. No chance of finding the phone, heh.
Closer… Closer… Eh, Close Enough
Comic information:
Posted: February 28th, 2011
Comments: Comments Off on Closer… Closer… Eh, Close Enough Keywords: Death Golden, Kenny, parody, satire
Sesame Street often has popular singers on their show, like when REM performed Furry Happy Monsters. Fairly recently, Katy Perry performed a version of Hot N Cold with Elmo, and parents complained that her dress was too revealing, despite their target audience being children that had just got weaned off of breast feeding.
More recently, I started thinking, “Sesame Street could’ve done worse, so HOW much worse?”. “Closer” by the Nine Inch Nails could be edited a littl… lot, to get on there, sure! :)
As for what Kenny and Death are looking at, I’m leaving it up to your imagination.
The Tofu Discussion
Comic information:
Posted: March 7th, 2011
Comments: Comments Off on The Tofu Discussion Keywords: Fuego Hare, Kenny
I have the next 5 comics already scripted & partially laid out. Feelin’ good about this.
Vegan, Not Vegetarian
Comic information:
Posted: March 10th, 2011
Comments: Comments Off on Vegan, Not Vegetarian Keywords: Fuego Hare, Kenny
The world is getting all mixed up! Rabbits are eating chicken, foxes are slurpin’ tofu, and low-wage workers are mixing up orders… okay, I guess that last one is sorta normal.