Posts Tagged ‘Kenny’
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Lemmings! Take Two.
Kenny, he didn’t mean to take two LEMMINGS!
Stay tuned next week for the very first contest on KennyChronicles.com! (English only, I’m not translating the rules)
Death With A Plush
Contest! Come up with the LEAST LIKELY THING TO BE A WEAPON and your idea might become the next wallpaper! Visit this link for full details!
Now For A Fright
Comic information:
Posted: October 28th, 2010
Comments: Comments Off on Now For A Fright Keywords: Kenny, mom, The Cat
I was originally planning on killing off the cat today, but this new direction has lots of possibilities.
To new readers: that cat has caused various injuries in the past, like in this one.
The Name Game
The day before this comic was to go up, I heard a lady call to her children, “Come on, chitlins!”. I knew then that I had a name for the cat.
I hope this isn’t why I have the sniffles. Those cats are out to get us, I tell ya.
Imaginary Enemy
If you’re unfamiliar with that ghost-like skunk, read the archives. Yeah, he’s dead. He haunts Kenny. Nope, he’s not a ghost, Kenny’s just a bit insane.