Posts Tagged ‘Kenny’

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Let me use the toilet real quick…
Let me use the toilet real quick…
 Comic information:
     Posted: August 23rd, 2010
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I think every fast food worker has seen this too often.

You Have A Buildup Of Lemming In Your Ear
You Have A Buildup Of Lemming In Your Ear
 Comic information:
     Posted: August 26th, 2010
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Maybe he’ll also wish upon a star.

Today’s Comic Contains Cute Bunnies
Today’s Comic Contains Cute Bunnies
 Comic information:
     Posted: August 30th, 2010
     Comments: 4 Comments
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Will it blend???

Bunnies Not Blended
Bunnies Not Blended
 Comic information:
     Posted: September 2nd, 2010
     Comments: 3 Comments
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I’m sure what Kenny got wasn’t dentures, but hey, it’s Kenny using the wrong term, not me.

 Comic information:
     Posted: September 9th, 2010
     Comments: Comments Off on Juice!
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Just so you know, I’m taking the next week off from comics to go to TOONFEST in Marceline, MO. I always meet famous cartoonists there. It’s September 18th.

I’ll try to have at least one interesting post during that week, since I’ll be so silent.

First Daily Comic This Week
First Daily Comic This Week
 Comic information:
     Posted: September 20th, 2010
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Remember to check back TOMORROW for the next comic! Mon-Fri all this week.

Second Daily Comic This Week
Second Daily Comic This Week
 Comic information:
     Posted: September 21st, 2010
     Comments: 2 Comments
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I’m afraid of her spork.

Third Daily Com-OUCH!
Third Daily Com-OUCH!
 Comic information:
     Posted: September 22nd, 2010
     Comments: 1 Comment
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Don’t try to attack Death. Especially if she has a plastic spork.

Bloody Violence
Bloody Violence
 Comic information:
     Posted: September 23rd, 2010
     Comments: 1 Comment
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If you missed the memo saying that the comic is updating daily this week(Mon-Fri), you may want to go back to Monday’s comic and catch up. There will be one more update this week, so come back Friday(mid-day, just to be safe, or subscribe to the rss) for the exciting conclusion!

Back To Kenny
Back To Kenny
 Comic information:
     Posted: September 24th, 2010
     Comments: 2 Comments
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If you got here searching for “How to use a spork as a lethal weapon”, you can read all 5 comics here. Seriously, I went searching for that, and apparently I thought up more ways than the internet did(I didn’t use all my ideas, like gagging somebody or anything involving breaking the spork), even when searching for using a spoon as a weapon, as well. Basically you have a stabbing device.

Two things I didn’t consider were a catapult and breaking off the 2 middle tines to make it Batman. If she had anything deadly enough to launch, it would’ve been an eye irritant, which was already trumped by the more direct approach. And Batman, yeah, he’s a pretty dangerous weapon on his own, but I had to pass.

And now to end this spork-packed week, I give you the Dramatic Spork:

The Moral Of The Gory
The Moral Of The Gory
 Comic information:
     Posted: September 27th, 2010
     Comments: 2 Comments
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She had in fact used the spork as a distraction device in one of those strips.

Okay, so new strip size. No, I’m not increasing the frequency of the strips just yet. I’m going to see how much time I can save(and sleep I can recover) by using a standard strip size. If I can save enough time, I’d like to increase this to 3 strips a week BUT NO PROMISES and certainly not before the end of this year(December’s always busy). Last week’s strips actually took the same time per strip as my double-row comics, but there was also a lot of action, extra shading, and some designing of one-shot characters(took way to long to decide the species), so it’s possible I could save a fair amount of time. Time that I need for other creative projects I’d love to share here(*ahem* and on YouTube) but haven’t had the time to work on.

So far I’m liking this new size. The main thing I notice is… that empty template doesn’t look quite so scary now! AWESOME! One of my slow-downs was procrastination due to the huge block of work ahead of me. I look forward to smaller chunks.The other thing I’m noticing is that the whole strip fits on the screen. That can be a nice advantage from a reader’s perspective.

The biggest drawback of the double-row format was that I do a comic all in one shot, so that’s a huge chunk to do in one sitting(8 hours, no lunch break, I’m my own worst boss). Several strips actually could’ve been split into 2 comics anyway. There have been comics that demanded a larger size, but I think it’s best to do a double-row comic only if it’s called for.

I seriously hope I can save a significant amount of time and start waking up in the morning again.