Posts Tagged ‘wolves’

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Something Had To Be Done
Something Had To Be Done
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     Posted: October 13th, 2011
     Comments: 1 Comment
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Pirates, By The Way
Pirates, By The Way
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     Posted: October 17th, 2011
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These were modern-day pirates in a speedboat, by the way, and no eye patches were involved. Pirates are simply robbers at sea. I go for more realistic pirates than the yar-har-har pirates in cartoons. That’s a rocket launcher, if you look closely at the ammunition.

Right, with that out of the way, now you know why the wolves were “considered” a good idea. They’re being handled by people who know how to handle them. Unfortunately, those people died and their belongings were taken then sold on eBay or uploaded to file-sharing services.

Ammo Gonna Run Out
Ammo Gonna Run Out
 Comic information:
     Posted: October 20th, 2011
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I saw a James Bond movie once and I was astounded at how lousy the henchmen’s aim was. Bond wasn’t even trying to avoid the bullets as he skid down the mountain. I can only assume that the henchmen in the Rambo movies are the same, considering the parody of that in UHF where the last henchman was mere inches from Weird Al’s chest and still missing.

Did Somebody Say Wolves?
Did Somebody Say Wolves?
 Comic information:
     Posted: October 24th, 2011
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27 knots? Isn’t that about the speed of a running wolf?

Wolf, I Say!
Wolf, I Say!
 Comic information:
     Posted: October 27th, 2011
     Comments: 2 Comments
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Some Gore For Your Halloween Pleasure, And Other Interruptions
Some Gore For Your Halloween Pleasure, And Other Interruptions
 Comic information:
     Posted: October 31st, 2011
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If you haven’t heard, the comic is moving to a Monday-Wednesday-Friday schedule. No, I don’t have extra time and no, I’m not feeling generous, I simply have to get this storyline finished by Thanksgiving(in the U.S.) and there’s no way that’s happening with a twice-a-week schedule. Main reason would be that I don’t update on Thanksgiving(few people post or read comics that day), and this storyline can’t get interrupted by that. I also can’t have it drift into December. I was worried that it would have to be 5-a-week, but thankfully it played out to 11 more comics(including this one) when I scripted it out yesterday.

…which leads me to that number you see at the top of the comic. This storyline was plotted out back in April, and probably started when Kenny graduated(a start of a new storyline in anybody’s life). 10 comics remain in this storyline now. The next comic will have a 9. When the number reaches zero on November 23rd, something big will happen. In fact, a few big things will happen. Surprises will occur between now and then and characters’ lives will be changed. That is all I will say about the next 10 comics.

Bonus content: ORIGINAL Ook Island story from 2006

How far ahead do I plan things? Well, actually, Ook Island was a one-off story when I wrote it on March 9, 2006. It wasn’t until early in 2010(Kenny Chronicles started April 2008) when I realized that this story could be incorporated with my sequel idea of two governments sharing the same property(which dates back to October 2009 at the LATEST). The name of the island was inspired by the local “Cook Street” sign being obstructed by a light pole. That’s right, the name came before the monkeys.

The story has changed a little over the years, but that’s expected to happen. I don’t know for sure how long the monkeys and cats have been on the island, but I know it’s not as long as this story says. Until maybe mid-2011, it was planned to be a real dirt-and-rock island, and judging by this story also bigger. Too many wolves for such a small area.

Here’s the original story, as posted on LiveJournal on May 9, 2006(copyright is the only edit):

The year “15(TAR)” refers to it being 15 years after the first Tarneki was created. They were to have their own calendar based on that. It also means 15 years in the future. This was back when the calendar was always moving, so in 2006, Ook Island would have been established in 2021, but in 2026 if read today. But it doesn’t matter, because this story isn’t canon, it’s just the inspiration for the current version.

The wolf and sign were drawn on paper, then the inks were overlayed on this.

 (original Livejournal post from 2006)

Special features will update on Monday and Thursday for the rest of the year. I’d say I have enough content to do that.

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