Posts Tagged ‘facebook’

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FACEBOOK! Become a fan of Kenny.

What’s that new widget in my sidebar…
Alert the zeppelins, for Kenny Chronicles now has a fan page on Facebook! My initial plans are to use it as an archive for the vote incentives, as well as alerting you to new comics as they’re posted. I hope this will be a good playground for all of you critters enjoying my glorious comic. Shout on the wall, post related pictures in the photo album, gab on the discussion boards, and share with your friends! I want to see what this Facebook group’s potential is.

Come on over and have some fun.  **

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Barnacle Buster
Barnacle Buster
 Comic information:
     Posted: January 28th, 2010
     Comments: Comments Off on Barnacle Buster
     Keywords: , ,
This is what my icon will look like when I comment

If you get enough coins from removing barnacles, you can eventually buy a power washer for your fake virtual business! That’s when the game gets exciting, and most people quit because the game changed too much.