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“Least Likely Weapon” contest mentioned on The Dish

My “Least Likely Weapon” contest was mentioned on The Dish & I LOL’d at how they introduced it.
(10:45 into it)
If you can think of an unlikely weapon, you can enter it at and the best idea will get drawn as a wallpaper.

And yes, I like the word “titular” as well, Comic Dish peeps.

Toy Story 3, and their amazing translation

WOW. Just… WOW. Amazing movie!
Pixar doesn’t need the great graphics to have a blockbuster. Their movies could look like Dexter’s Laboratory or Space Ghost Coast To Coast, and as long as they keep the same writers they’d do awesome(well, Pixar DID create that Night & Day short, after all, which was close in technology). That said, I really appreciate the time & effort they put into their 3D modeling & character design. Oh man, I really wanted to pause & take in all the detail they put into Andy’s room(I did, eventually). I wish I could take the time to put that much effort into the backgrounds of Kenny Chronicles. I still don’t know what all is in Kenny’s room. When most of your belongings are incorporated into your computer devices(collar, wall, holograms), what’s left to clutter a room? Mostly cups & animal bones.

I would’ve liked to have been on their toy design team, too! I wouldn’t have changed anything though, lol! Lotso looks incredibly huggable! Perfect for the part of the evil overlord of Sunnyside Daycare, LOL!
I must examine this film in-depth. I know that color choices & lighting play a part in how the audience feels, in addition to the story. There are so many things in play here that make it so great.

They got a great replacement for the late Jim Varney to voice the Slinky Dog. Sounds just like him.
Also, TOTORO! That was a happy surprise, seeing him in the background A LOT. Never watched that show, but I couldn’t help thinking, “….Totoro???”
I rented this for 3 nights, watching it 4 times(only twice in English).
I really wanted to watch the director commentary. It lists some features available on the DVD/Blu-Ray release “available in stores”, which includes the filmmakers’ commentary. I don’t feel like buying the Blu-Ray version, especially since I don’t have a Blu-Ray player. Not sure I ever will, really. Dang, I’d like to watch that commentary, though, and it lists it as being on the DVD in that combo pack. Tempting.

A huge list of stuff hidden in the background during Toy Story 3:…..3-easter-eggs/ (Really interesting read)

Things noticed while watching the Spanish version, & later the French version:
(images are clickable for larger versions)

Universidad - box from Spanish Toy Story 3They… translated the words on signs & buttons directly on the objects? Y’know I had wondered how long it would take before somebody decided to render the words separately & swap that layer for different languages. Looks natural, like it was the original render. They didn’t translate every written word, just the important ones in the foreground. It’s really important in kids movies, anyway. Disney has always re-recorded the songs in the other languages, something not always done in films. Sweeney Todd, for instance, kept the original singing, which meant switching languages VERY frequently. In Tarzan, Disney even kept the same singer for English, Spanish & French! I think there was another language that he sang in, but I don’t remember which.
I can sing Hakuna Matata in 5 languages, btw. Spanish, German, Italian, Japanese, & English. Still working on Cantonese & Hungarian.
The box says “Universidad”! Nice. They probably left Buzz’s labels in English because they didn’t translate them in the first movie, or it could be because they’re iconic. Oh, and trash bags, I guess wasn’t important enough to translate. You can tell what they are. Maybe the box was created by a different crew?
Guardería Sunnyside - Sunnyside Daycare in SpanishLOL! The instruction manual was translated too, small print & all! My favorite bit of CGI in the movie was how “Sunnyside Daycare” was translated on the sign, which even involved scooting the “Sunnyside”(un-translated, being a name) down to accommodate the switched word order.
Spanish Buzz is still Spanish-speaking Buzz, heh, but Jessie calls him… Romantic Buzz! I think that’s an appropriate modification for the Spanish version. The internets are saying that he’s speaking in a heavy Spain accent, Andalucian to be exact(never heard of that one, it’s in the south & is where bullfighting originated), at least for the Spain version. In the non-Spain version, it’s the same accent as in our version, which is an Iberian accent(the name of the entire peninsula Spain’s a part of), so, I guess a “normal” Spanish accent, albeit a bit thick. And flamboyant. Dance, Buzz!
And when Hamm said that he can’t read the way to fix Spanish Buzz because it’s in Spanish, the Spanish version has him saying it’s in Japanese.
Credits: The credits aren’t translated? That’s odd. They do have the standard tack-on credits for the translation & voices, mixed in with the music at the end. All handwriting in the end-credits scenes are also translated. Wow.

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Time to turn your clocks back 1 hour (U.S.)

As a public service, I shall remind you to turn your clocks BACK an hour tonight if you live in the United States, Canada, or anywhere else that shares this schedule. If your clock’s battery is dead, like mine, you might want to also ignore that clock forever, and forget to tell guests that the clock is wrong.

Remember: Slinky forward, autumn back, or something like that.

TROLOLO: Legacy (a parody by Garrett Williams)

Click here to watch the video on YouTube

A rogue program is on the rampage with the Trolololo song. You can try to escape it, but all efforts will be futile. It WILL keep coming back when you least expect it.
Video is from the teaser trailer played at San Diego Comic Con, sliced and diced and overlaid by me. Music is by some Russian guy named Eduard Khil.

Happy Thanksgiving!

miniature Thanksgiving dinner

Stopped by Sam’s Club the other day and got a miniature Thanksgiving dinner from a demonstrator there. Stopped by the tv area afterward & sat in the recliner.

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Can Ryan Estrada make a movie in ONE MONTH?

From Ryan’s track record, I’m going to say yes, he can get a movie made in one month. He’s created a 168 page graphic novel in 168 hours, and that INCLUDES sleeping time! He’s also worked as an animator, so he knows the technical aspects of animating, too.
Ryan will be tracking the progress at, and I’ve already subscribed to the rss feed to keep track of all the updates. I look forward to seeing what he churns out.

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Just in time for Christmas: the Hiphone 4?

Just say no to the HiPhone
Say “Hello” to the Hiphone! Then say no. This is a somewhat convincing rip-off from China, until you actually use it or turn it around and find it quite a bit thicker than anything Apple would approve. This thing uses a stylus!
Good luck finding accessories for this, too.

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It is pitch black…

It is pitch black... you are likely to be eaten by a shrew

Just a reminder, I’m taking Thursdays off this month. Somehow, I’m not gaining any sleep from this half-hibernation.

Kennyland has gotten icier!

Kennyland has frozen over
The swimming pool at Kennyland has now frozen over. I knew that heater wouldn’t last forever. ACME only gives a 2-second warranty on any of their products.
I don’t know why the program added a lense flare. I never ordered a lense flare.
Got Second Life? You can click on the picture to visit Kennyland in all its glory. Watch out for deep snow around the Christmas tree in the back yard.

Also, just a reminder that I’m taking Thursdays off from the comic this month.

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TRON: Legacy has come out today. What better day to remind you one last time of my parody video?

Click here to watch the video on YouTube

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You’re a flashy one, Mr. Grinch

View on YouTube

My favorite Christmas light display at the moment.

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