

 Comic information:
     Posted: August 22nd, 2011
     Comments: 4 Comments
     Keywords: ,

This is what my icon will look like when I comment

This comic may be late for the same reason as last Monday(sleep deprivation), but this time I actually woke up in the morning! WHOA!!! That doesn’t happen enough. If I could choose a sleep schedule and actually follow it, I’d choose to wake up at 6am, go for an hour-long walk, then get to cartooning. Alas, I’m always starting my cartooning at midnight. I’ll keep trying to change my sleep schedule.
Also, this comic was plotted out way back in April, so no, it wasn’t inspired by my sleep issues. It’s inspired by my trying to use Pandora Radio to help me sleep. Seriously, they should choose appropriate ads for the stations.

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