Archive for September 23rd, 2010

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Bloody Violence
Bloody Violence
 Comic information:
     Posted: September 23rd, 2010
     Comments: 1 Comment
     Keywords: , , ,
This is what my icon will look like when I comment

If you missed the memo saying that the comic is updating daily this week(Mon-Fri), you may want to go back to Monday’s comic and catch up. There will be one more update this week, so come back Friday(mid-day, just to be safe, or subscribe to the rss) for the exciting conclusion!

First wallpaper!

Finally I have a wallpaper to offer up! This just screamed “WALLPAPER!”, so here you go.
It’s 1440×900(widescreen), as close to the original artwork’s size as possible.

Don’t mess with Kenny’s girlfriend!

How to use(in Internet Explorer or Firefox): Click the image above, right-click the resulting HUGE image, choose “Set as Background”.

UPDATE: I now have a “Wallpaper” page listed at the top of the page! I hope to eventually change it to “Extras” once I have more than just a wallpaper. I don’t currently plan on putting wallpapers behind a donation wall(a popular practice), but I will encourage people to donate if they like a paper.