Resolutions for 2009
January 11th, 2009
After the dudes of Webcomics Weekly discussed their New Year’s resolutions in their latest podcast, I decided that I actually DO have some resolutions for this year! So, even though we’re already 11 days into the year, here are my New Year’s resolutions for 2009:
- Build a buffer. I’ve considered making the update time be a different time than everybody else’s update time, but I think anything after midnight is considered “late”. I need to stop updating at 6am. To do that, I need to stop finishing my comic at 6am.
- Construir un buffer. The Spanish version of Kenny Chronicles normally updates at 11pm on the update day because I have a day job that I need to be awake for. I need the Spanish version online at 12:01 am on the update day. This means having the English version finished at least an hour before that.
- Speed production time to 3 hours, or get paid for the full 6 hours I normally take. I do this for free, yikes. Figuring all work on the comic, including translation and website stuff, this is often a 20 hour per week job. I know I can speed myself up. Getting a new computer would help.
- Better art, better stories. Coupling #3 & #4 will be difficult. This will come with practice.
- Watch more movies. Yes, they actually fuel the imagination.
- Get linked to by somebody popular! Pleeeeeease??? I’ve seen other comics thrive tremendously from this happening. One happened to have a popular friend, another simply struck a chord with another popular person. Then the traffic stuck because they were awesome.
- Draw every day. Preferably on the comic. I currently do the comic all in one shift. Remember me saying it takes roughly 6 hours? Break, please!
In addition, here are some specific plans for 2009:
- Site redesign. This has to wait until ComicPress 2.7 comes out, plus my development time. I have a layout planned that looks nothing like the standard ComicPress theme. I want to look different than the other webcomics.
- Offer prints. Income. This is currently planned to be included with the redesign, but doesn’t HAVE to wait for that.
- Include a fan art page. Planned for site redesign, but doesn’t have to wait for that either. I have 3 Kenny fan arts already, just so you know.
- Start including sub-sites related to the comic. One business in the comic has a site in the works. Waiting for site before introducing its name.
- Create merchandise in addition to prints. I have a store, but it’s all old designs. These will be discontinued as soon as I have new stuff to sell.
- Secret projects. They’re secret because I probably won’t find the time to actually do them.